Speaker System Installation in Bloomington - Custom Low Voltage LLC
When you are buying a speaker system or for that matter anything, do not get carried away by the sales pitch of the company. Try to find out whether the features they are advertising are actually going to turn out in the terms of better performance or not. Read the information carefully, ask for a demonstration, ask an expert and try to find out the actual users' reviews on Internet.
We design Custom indoor and outdoor Speaker System Installation in Bloomington and Surround Sound Installations. We have been dealing with modern technology everyday and complicated systems with AV, networking, and cabling for 12 years. Our experience sets us apart from the competitors. I was a Technology Installer during the transition period of wireless high speed internet. I have been able to obtain all of the information possible that could be absorbed in low voltage since 2005.
I do this type of work day in and day out. It is my passion and the reason I get up every day besides my family of course! I started doing cable TV in 2005, I soon realized that custom low voltage system wiring was a great market and required skills beyond just pulling wire. That's when I got enticed to start my own company. Through the years I built a skill set you cannot learn in school, although I am college educated. I enjoy troubleshooting and making other's lives better through technology.